

The NHK Period Drama “Wind of the Ryukyu Islands” and Shoreikan

There is a scene in the 1993 NHK Period Drama “Wind of the Ryukyu Islands (Ryukyu no Kaze)” in which the characters Keitai and Keizan conduct a karate demonstration, using Shoreikan’s Gekisai Daiichi Kata and its bunkai. At the request of NHK, the actors who played those characters, Takahito Hosoyamada and Takahiro Ito, received instructions at the Shoreikan dojo from instructor Seikichi Toguchi.

The Karate Kid and Shoreikan

Shoreikan teaches spiritual growth as well as a proper mindset for martial arts through Okinawa Goju-Ryu Karate Katas and traditional Karate exercises and training. Mr. Seikichi Toguchi wrote a book titled “Karate no Kokoro (The Spirit of Karate).” In this book, he states that the essence of Karate lies in spiritual growth. ■The screenwriter for the movie The Karate Kid trained at a Shoreikan dojo Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid (right)© Sony Pictures The script for The Karate Kid was written by Robert Mark Kamen, screenwriter for the Transporter series and Taken, based on his own life experiences. In […]

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